Welcome to TipTask’s public Wiki. I’m Majarc, one of the co-founders of TipTask. I have ADHD and did project management for large scale companies and small scale startups for 20 years. I want to build a tool that can help me and others like me. TipTask is a task manager that syncs to Google Calendar, focused on a simple and effective user experience and helping people with ADHD. We look forward to improving the app along with users like you.

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🔔 News

🚀 Sign Up for Free Beta Access

Sign up here: https://tiptask.app/ ↗️, it’s free! We’ll contact you when you account is ready.

🧭 Roadmap

⚡️ Features

✅ Task list with due date, drag and drop interface

✅ Task list separated by Active / Snoozed / Done

✅ One day planning at a time with movable “end of day” slider

✅ Sync to Google Calendar (default calendar)

✅ Tasks written into open slots in Google Calendar (over 3 days)